
Secure and flexible payment options:
To ensure you have a pleasant and secure shopping experience, we offer you a selection of trustworthy and convenient payment methods. With us you can pay easily and securely, while we protect your personal data and process transactions reliably.
Our payment options include:

1. PayPal:
PayPal is one of the best-known and safest payment methods. You can use your PayPal account to pay quickly and easily without having to re-enter your bank details. You also benefit from PayPal buyer protection, which offers you additional security.

2. Credit card:
We accept major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Our secure payment process ensures that your card details are transmitted encrypted and protected.

3. Instant transfer:
Sofortüberweisung allows you to make quick and secure payments directly from your bank account. Through the real-time
Transaction, your order will be confirmed and processed immediately so that you receive your products as quickly as possible.

4. Advance payment by bank transfer:
You can also pay in advance by simply transferring the invoice amount to our bank account. As soon as we have received your payment, your order will be processed and shipped.

. Purchase on account via Klarna:
We also offer you the option of purchasing on account. You receive your order and pay within a set period of time after receiving the goods. Please note that this option is dependent on a credit check.

Security and privacy:
We take the protection of your personal information very seriously and use state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information throughout the payment process. Our website uses SSL encryption technology to ensure that your data is transmitted securely.
If you have any questions about our payment methods or problems during the payment process, our friendly customer service will be happy to help you. We always strive to help you with any concerns and find a quick solution.
Enjoy a safe and convenient shopping experience in our shop and choose the one that suits you best from a variety of payment options.